COVID-19 Data Visualization for HoloLens2

This is my personal experimental project for HoloLens 2, made with MRTK. This project explores how volumetric data can be represented in physical space with direct hand-tracking inputs in mixed reality using HoloLens 2. It is based on Microsoft’s MRTK(Microsoft’s Mixed Reality Toolkit)
The project works with HoloLens 1st gen as well. (use static menu instead of hand menu)


I have published the Unity project on GitHub:

Data source

ESRI’s Coronavirus COVID-19 Cases feature layer


DataVisualizer.cs script contains the code for retrieving, parsing JSON data, and visualizing with graphs. Graph el

DataVisualizer.cs script contains the code for retrieving, parsing JSON data, and visualizing with graphs. Graph elements are added to GraphContainerConfirmed, GraphContainerRecovered, GraphContainerFatal, and LabelContainer. CreateMeshes() creates the graph for three data values and text label. Main menu’s Radio buttons simply show/hide GraphContainer objects. 

The menu stays around the user with tag-along behavior which is provided by MRTK’s RadialView solver. Using the pin button, you can toggle tag-along behavior. The menu’s backplate can be grabbed and moved. Grabbing and moving the menu automatically disables the tag-along and makes the menu world-locked.

The menu’s toggle button shows & hides GraphContainer and LabelContainer. Use slider UI for configuring the earth rendering options.

  • Earth’s color saturation level
  • Cloud opacity
  • Sea color saturation level
2020-03-31 09_58_03-Unity 2018 4 12f1 Personal - COVID19HoloLens2 unity - COVIDDataVizGit - PC, Mac
2020-04-05 11_22_36-Unity 2018 4 12f1 Personal - COVID19HoloLens2 unity - COVIDDataVizGit - Universa

Build and deploy

Please make sure to use ‘Single Pass’ (not Single Pass Instanced) to render graph properly on the device. 

Built with these open-source components

I was able to create this project using several amazing open-source projects:


  • Near interactions with direct grab/move/rotate (one or two-handed)
  • Far interactions using hand ray (one or two-handed)
  • Main menu to switch the data, change earth rendering options
  • Toggle graph, text label
  • Toggle auto-rotate

Known issues

  • Data normalization & polish needed
  • Sometimes two-handed manipulation makes the globe tiny and not properly scalable. Use hand-ray to make it bigger again.

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